We are always seeking for new candidates.
Please send us your CV, even if you can't find the right offer for you.
? Higher degree in engineering discipline, preferably Chemical Engineering.
? Minimum of 15+ years Oil and Gas business experience, with direct involvement in Natural Gas Liquefaction facilities design in EPC projects, preferably large scale/base load.
? Deep technical competences in the following areas
? Technical Safety / Loss prevention Fundamentals
? Risk Management
? Functional Safety (TUV or Exida certification is an advantage)
? Asset Integrity (Safety and Operational critical Elements and Performance Standard)
? Active and passive fire protection systems
? Process containment systems
? Emergency response
? Implementation, Monitoring, Reviews, and Assurance
? Hazards specific to LNG and relevant protection system: LNG spillage, cold splash, RPT, BLEVE
? Strong process engineering background
? Experience in Design Basis
? Experience with flare and relief systems design including PSVs and emergency isolation and depressuring systems
? Deep technical understanding of hazard identification, consequence modelling and risk assessment.
? Proven ability to transfer knowledge and stay aware of current trends and advancements.
? Experience in using major IOC Standards (preferably SHELL and TOTAL) and approach to safety activities in EPC project development
? Experience with participating in formal HAZOPs
? Knowledge of studies to determine Hot Air Recirculation and RAM of the facility
? Clear leadership capabilities and demonstrated ability to lead work groups and study teams for (process) safety reviews and embed Process Safety culture within working teams.
? Effective communication, presentation and writing skill.
? Good relational and negotiation skills
? English language proficient
? Availability to relocate in Milan
• Certified stage 3
• Have operated cranes with SWL 250t and above controlling also the Crane Tuggers
• At least 5 years of experience as a Main Crane Operator
• Have experience in Pedestal Cranes / Auxiliary Cranes
• Have experience on Pipe lay vessels
• Possess a valid BOSIET/FOET
• Possess a seaman book with a valid expiry date, preferred
• Speak English
Certificate of proficiency
Basic Safety Training
Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boat (other than fast rescue boat)
Fast rescue boat
Advanced firefighting
Seafarers with designated security duties
H2S awareness course
Basic offshore safety & emergency training / FOET + OLF supplement
Dangerous goods by air (CAA)
Helideck operation initial training (HO IT)
HDA helideck emergency response team member
HDA & helideck emergency response team member further training (HDA & HERTM FT)
Helicopter refueling (HR)
Certificate of proficiency
Basic Safety Training
Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boat (other than fast rescue boat)
Advanced firefighting
Seafarers with designated security duties
H2S awareness course
Basic offshore safety & emergency training / FOET + OLF supplement
Professional Skill:
Knowledge of electrical hazards and accident
prevention including but not limited to Ppe and
Lockout-tag out procedures.
Knowledge of inspections test process.
Knowledge of audit techniques and capability to
manage HSE (safety / environmental) audit in order
to supervise the implementation of specific
procedures on worksite.
Capability to execute workplace HSE inspection
Knowledge and Company's application relevant to
HSE monitoring and reporting system (HSE regular
reports and incident notification reports), KPI and
data analysis, HSE benchmark.
Knowledge of Non Financial reporting procedures.
Company HSE management & legislation,
standards and certification
Emergency plan and crisis management
HSE risk management
HSE Work Practices
Confined Space
ISM code application and Maritime
• Stage 3 Crane opt. certificate ( Sparrows or EnerMech is a plus )
• Have operated offshore crawler cranes
• 5 years’ experience as offshore crane operator
• Have experience with MAN RIDING “ Personnel transfer ” operation vessel to vessel
The possession of a valid BOSIET/FOET and a Seaman Book with a validity date will be a plus
• Previous offshore experience onboard vessels/barges pipelayer s-lay or heavy lift.
• Valid BOSIET is a plus
• Valid offshore medical certificate is a plus
Professional Skill:
*Hydraulic equipment maintenance
*Mechanical equipment maintenance
*Maintenance of equipment for flexible
products installation
*Offshore Crane Maintenance
*Pile driving equipment maintenance
*S-lay equipment maintenance
*Machine Equipment Practice
Capability to perform a shift handover.
Installation of pipelines and flowlines using the rigid reeling installation methodology
Flexible installation activities during preparatory
phase and project execution in compliance with
project and Company procedures.
Knowledge of J-lay pipeline installation activities JLT/VLS/HLS systems.
Use of dedicated control room consoles to operate Capability to:
- Launch and recover ROV
- Perform Terminations on all types of Umbilical
- Use Manipulator Skills
- Pilot ROV
- Survey Sensor Hook-up
- Produce dive records, video, audio and written
ROV pre and post-dive checklist
- Use ROV tooling
Knowledge of the main risks during the operation
activities and safe working and environmental
protection procedures/practices & rules to be applied.
Knowledge of adequate Personal Protective
Equipment - purpose, use and maintenance
Knowledge and the correct use of Permit to Work system.
Profilul candidaului:
- atestat Inspector ITP clasa a 2-a, cu/fara experienta;
- cunostinte operare PC;
- capacitate de comunicare si organizare.
Postul necesita experienta!
Autorizatie Anre ( Constituie un avantaj ).
-Salar satisfacator;
-Bonuri de masa;
-Prima de Craciu si de Paste;
-Diurna (Pentru lucrarile in care se deplaseaza peste 50 km).
Postul necesita experienta!
-Salar satisfacator;
-Bonuri de masa;
-Prima de Craciun si de Paste;
-Diurna (Pentru lucrarile in care se deplaseaza peste 50 km).
- cunosti limba italiana la un nivel mediu spre avansat;
- ai bune cunostinte de operare PC
- ai abilitati foarte bune de comunicare
- esti o persoana ambitioasa, punctuala
- ai o atitudine pozitiva
• experienta pe un post similar (obligatoriu)
• carnet de conducere categoria B (obligatoriu)
• abilitati foarte bune de organizare, comunicare, prezentare si relationare cu oamenii;
• capacitatea de a urmari si solutiona mai multe proiecte de recrutare/selectie în paralel;
• MS Office (Word, Excel) – nivel mediu
- studii medii într-un domeniu tehnic;
- minim 2 ani experien?? în reglarea utilajelor de injec?ie mase plastice;
- cuno?tin?e operare calculator (Microsoft Office);
- disponibilitate la program de lucru în 3 schimburi;
- cunoa?terea limbii franceze reprezint? un avantaj;
- experien?? profesional? în domeniul Automotive reprezint? un avantaj.
-Studii medii in domeniul tehnic
-Experienta in reglarea sau exploatarea instalatiilor industriale axate pe injectii mase plastice? (minim 3 ani)
-Disponibilitate de a lucra la program de 12/24-12/48
Fochist clasa B cu autorizatie ISCIR.
- minimum 6 luni experienta;
- disponibilitate de a lucra in 3 schimburi;
- persoana serioasa, fara antecedente penale.
Engineer degree – Mechanical University
3 to 5 years in Production
1 to 2 years in Automotive industry
- MS Office advanced – Excel, PPT
- 5S, 5Why, PDCA, 8D (Fishbone)
- Jidoka
- English
- 6 Sigma, TQM
- Technical degree or equivalent experience
- Engineering degree or Experience
- 2 years degree diploma at least
- Experience in manufacturing, or process engineering – methods (2-3 years), or beginner with previous training in manufacturing
- Engineer degree: preferred -
Mechanical/Electronic engineer;
- Experience of Project Manager (5 to 7 years);
- Knowledge of CATIA;
- English, French – advanced level;
- Disponibilitate de a lucra in schimburi;
- Persoana meticuloasa si atenta la detalii;
- Dexteritate;
- Persoana stabila, serioasa, perseverenta;
- 1-3 years of Planning experience or similar skill set;
- Proficency in using SAP, (MM is a must), and Microsoft Office (Excel, Word);
- Good english knowledge;
- Computer Operating and Communication and skills;
- Analytical thinking;
- Organizing and coordination skills;
- Experience in the automotive business
- 2 years in Quality (Warranty, APU)
- Engineering degree
- Advanced English
- Experience in the automotive business;
- 2 years in Quality;
- Engineering degree;
- Advanced English
- Engineering degree
- Experience in the automotive business
- 4 years in Quality and in Warranty (represents a must!)
- Have knowledge of auto lamp, and QRQC;
- Fluent in English (strong communication skills both verbal and written);
- Experience in the automotive business
- 2 years of experience in Production
- Advanced English
- Experience in the automotive business
- 2 years in Quality
- Engineering degree
- Advanced English
- minimum 8 clase absolvite;
- persoana responsabila, serioasa si de incredere;
- disponibilitate fata de munca intr-un schimb/ 3 schimburi;
- rezistenta la munca din picioare pe parcursul timpului de lucru.
Angajam pentru clientul nostru, companie din Timisoara:
Magazioner/Operator logistica
Program: 2 schimburi a cate 8 ore/ zi (l-v)
Locatie: Timisoara
- Experienta in domeniu minim 6 luni;
- Experienta in utilizarea calculatorului: softuri de gestiune, comunicare; Familia Office – Word, Excel;
- Studii medii/ superioare
Angajam analist servicii clienti în domeniul logisticii, care sa constituie interfata dintre client si furnizor.
- absolvent studii medii;
- bune cunostinte de limba italiana (vorbit, citit, scris).;
- bune abilitati de comunicare si atitudine pozitiva;
- perseverenta
Angajam pentru clientii nostri, companii multinationale:
- Sculeri Matriteri;
- Locatie: Timisoara;
- studii medii, preferabil profil sculer-matriter;
- cunostinte desen tehnic, capacitatea de a utiliza planurile din documentatia tehnica a dispozitivelor sau a aparatelor de masurare a cotelor (subler, micrometru, comparator, etc.);
- experienta de minim 1 an in realizarea si/sau intretinerea de matrite de injectie mase plastice prin executarea de operatii specifice;
- disponibilitate la program de lucru in 2/3/4 schimburi;
Angajam pentru clientul nostru, din Timisoara:
- Lacatus Mecanic;
- Locatie: Timisoara;
- Program de lucru: 8h/zi, 2 schimburi;
- scoala profesionala, liceu;
- seriozitate, stabilitate la locul de munca;
- experienta in domeniu constitue avantaj;
Angajam pentru clientul nostru, din Timisoara:
- Operatori CNC
- Program de lucru: 8h/zi, 2/3 schimburi dupa caz
Cerinte :
- Experienta in domeniul de referinta constituie avantaj;
- Studii medii;
- Disponibilitate de lucru in schimburi 2/3schimburi;
- Cunostiinte tehnice;
Angajam pentru clientii nostri, companii multiantionale:
Locatie: Timisoara, Jud.Timis
Program: 2/3 schimburi (L-V)
-cunostinte practice in lipirea manuala a comp.SMD si THT;
-alimentarea masinilor(componente electronice/pasta-etc)-respectand intocmai necesarul de materiale din documenatia tehnica si a instructiunilor de lucru;supravegherea masinilor,verificarea placilor si depistarea defectelor(reparearea placilor);
-disponibilitate de a lucra 2/3 schimburi
-disponibilitatea de a lucra ore suplimentare
-acuitate vizuala, seriozitate si indemanare
Angajam pentru clientii nostri, companii multinationale:
- Montatori subansamble
Locatie: Timisoara, Jud. Timis
Program de lucru: 2 schimburi (L-V)
- Studii medii sau scoala profesionala;
- Experienta de minim 6 luni de zile in productie reprezinta un avantaj;
Angajam pentru clientii nostri, operatori/ operatoare linie productie
Localitate: Timisoara
- constituie un avantaj experienta in productie;
- persoana stabila, serioasa, perseverenta;
- disponibilitate pentru programul in schimburi (2 sau 3, dupa caz);
- indemanare, atentie la detalii.
Angajam pentru clientii nostri, operatori linie productie:
Localitate: Timisoara
- constituie un avantaj experienta in productie;
- persoana stabila, serioasa, perseverenta;
- disponibilitate pentru programul in schimburi (2 sau 3, dupa caz);
- indemanare, atentie la detalii.
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